James Franco

There are two things that I love in life: Gucci & men.  Place both in one category, and you have James Franco.  What about weed & men? James Franco.  Perfect facial structures & men? James Franco.  One of my favorite dead white dudes is James Dean, and Franco was the one to play that role, perfectly; he is perfect. PERFECT.  I remember renting Annapolis just to see him on all fours doing pushups, to see him in that Marine outfit was but a mere fufillment of a dream come true, kinda.  Does anyone remember Whatever It Takes? Do you remember that scene when he pretends to tell Marla Sokoloff’s character that Nine Stories was his favorite book just to hook-up with her? Then she responds with “Which one of your favorite stories is your favorite?”  WELL, that book IS my favorite, and I wouldn’t have wasted a second asking him what his fucking favorite story is, if you catch my drift. 

Why do I watch Spiderman movies? Is it because I like Tobey McGuire(ew)?  Fuck no. Is it because I like that train-wreck Kristen Dunst? NO.   Is it because I want to see James Franco? DUH.  Not to menion, he has a degree in English from UCLA,  and is currently in graduate school at Columbia University, could that be a bigger turn-on?  I have often found myself texting my friends about how much I like him.  He can be the shittiest dude, throwing babies off cliffs and I would somehow justify it.  James baby, you can’t do any wrong. 

P.S. I had a really difficult time picking a picture. I wanted to make this entire website about him after viewing about 90 pages of his Google results.

2 responses to “James Franco


  2. i LOVE him

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